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Hair life cycle

Human hair lives 5-6 years on average, and its life cycle includes 3 phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. There are about 100,000 hairs on the head, of which we lose about 100 a day in the natural process. Most people don’t even notice this every day. The problem begins when the amount of hair loss increases worryingly and is observed when combing or washing.

There are 3 phases in the hair life cycle:

  • anagen phase — This is the active phase when the hair grows (lasts about 5 years), as a result of the increase in the number of cells in the follicle, a hair stalk is formed, which breaks through the skin and grows at an average rate of 1-1.5 cm per month.
  • catagen phase — The transient phase between the growth andresting phases during which the root shrinks, stops taking nutrients, and hair growth is inhibited (it lasts about 2-4 weeks). Then a new root begins to shape, which will give life to a new hair.
  • telogen phase — the resting phase, ends with hair loss (it lasts about 4-8 weeks); in its place a new stem appears.

In a healthy person, 85% of the hair is in the growth phase, and about 10-15% in the hair loss phase. The problem of baldness arises when too much hair enters a state of rest, which ends with hair falling out. People whose growth phase is shorter are not able to grow long hair as the hair will fall out before it reaches the desired length.

Why does hair fall out?

The most common causes of hair loss include:

  • genetic conditions — conditions such as androgenetic alopecia, the most common type of baldness in men, also found in women
  • hormonal factors — androgenetic alopecia, which is hair loss after pregnancy, during menopause, with hypothyroidism, due to taking hormonal contraception
  • excessive stress — believed to contribute to the development of alopecia areata
  • skin diseases — e.g., dandruff, ringworm, AD
  • diet deficiencies — lack of vitamins and nutrients
  • seasonal hair loss in autumn and winter — due to disruption of the hair growth cycle
  • mechanical damage to the hair — tight hair binding or wearing extensions for many years is thought to weaken the bulbs
  • mistakes in care — an excess of stylization treatments (e.g., from heat, chemicals, etc.)

Remember that you always need the right diagnosis before you start therapy. The effectiveness and safety of therapy depend on the accurate diagnosis of the cause of hair loss.